Book #18: Flyover Nation: You Can’t Run a Country You’ve Never Been To, Dana Loesch
We live in a vast country. It is no surprise that in a nation as diverse as ours that are regional differences in background, ideology and values. This difference in ideology is manifested in the discordant worldview between coastal society and “Flyover” country. Dana Loesch is concerned that the elites in Washington, Manhattan, Hollywood and other influential costal centers who do not understand and devalue the ethics and ethos “Flyover” country are shaping our culture in a way that is contrary to the values of those in the center of the country. Though Dana has a provocative writing style that can be mildly off-putting, she raises an interesting and valuable point, how can you know the values and ideologies of somewhere if you have never been there. This is a necessary read for our current political and cultural day.